Friday, April 2, 2010

How do I make a printing pre set in...

I use Photoshop CS4 and print on an Epson R360.?I often print high resolution images, usually jpeg, onto quality Epson paper with certain settings to get the best result.?However I am aware that I can set a ''pre set'' to achieve this without having to make the print spec choices each time but don't know how to do it.?I have checked the Adobe website but cannot find any relevant info that I can understand.?Can anyone give me a simple guide how to do this please?

How do I make a printing pre set in...

In the PRINT dialog box, [see Pic-1], make all the changes that you want,

then [see Pic-2]

SAVES US, name your preset.?When you print again, then you just select that PRESET, and all your print specs for the PRESET should all be there.?I hope this helps.


How do I make a printing pre set in...

Just a word of CAUTION:

Those printing presets have a nasty habit of not becoming sticky, even when the preset name shows as already selected in the dropdown menu of the printer driver dialog box.

The solution is to select the preset again every time right before printing, even when the name of the prest is already showing as selected, otherwise the results may be unpredictable.

Note that those presets are part of the OS printing dialog or the printer driver -- they have nothing to do with Photoshop. (which is why Adobe's help contains nothing about them)

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