Friday, March 26, 2010

no code in code view (using CS4 on...

I just upgraded to cs4 for my imac which now has snow leopard installed. yesterday, I tried to look at the code in my file, but just got a blank white space that was unscrollable. I thought it might be a problem with the file, so today I loaded a dreamweaver digital classroom dvd, put on lesson one which is three lines of type. it tells you to go to split view, which i did. in the design window, there were the three lines, but again in the code window, just blank white space.

is this a code leopard incompatibility or a messed up setting?

thanks for any help,


no code in code view (using CS4 on...

Was CS4 working before the upgrade?

What happens when you type in code view some basic HTML, does anything save?

no code in code view (using CS4 on...

cs4 and snow leopard arrived concurrently.

I can't even type in codeview.

oh, and I just opened the file up in cs3, and it opened fine with code and split view working perfectly.

and now, I trashed cs4 and reinstalled from the disk image.

opened a new file. I typed a line in design view, but it didn't appear in the code window when I went to a split screen.

I opened up an old file. same thing. the code window is blank while the lines appear in the design window.


Support for Mac OS X Snow Leopard

This taken from the above FAQ:

Will Adobe continue to test its CS4 applications on Snow Leopard (v10.6)?

Yes. Adobe sets high standards of quality, stability, and reliability for our professional products, and we worked closely with Apple to test that Creative Suite 4 products and components run on Mac OS X Snow Leopard (v10.6). Please see below for known issues we have discovered in our testing. As with any new release of an operating system, there may be additional unexpected issues that arise that may not have been uncovered during our testing efforts.

If you encounter any issues, please report them by going to and clicking ''Report A Bug''. Please note that we do not respond to submissions, however we do review the information closely with the appropriate teams, and continue to test and monitor the user experience.

I'm not a Mac user, so can't offer any realy help, but have a read of this thread to see if anything here helps:?(preference file)

You may need to contact Adobe Support directly to see if they can help.

thanks for the suggestion.

I can't tell you how frustrating this is. I called tech support. I was on the phone with someone who just read from a script. she walked me through everything and of course the same problem occurred with her. we deleted prefs, reinstalled, all the same problem, and, frankly, all stuff that I tried on my own.

finally, after 40 minutes of what was really silliness, she transferred me to customer service, and they said this is a technical issue why are you contacting us.

Now, I'm on hold, and they are checking to see whether I can redownload (I downloaded cs4 two days ago).

in case anyone was interesting, after two more phone calls I found someone who said,?''try this.''

and it worked.

in preferences, my font was set to monaco 7 (as a default), which is not viewable on the mac.

i changed it to verdana 12 and voila, there was my code.

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