I'm new to PSE7 and new to Raw Files.?I've taken a bunch of photos in RAW and was hoping to import them into the Organize area.?However, it seems PSE7 doesn't recognize the files.?Hopefully someone can shed some light on this.?The files are Canon Raw if that makes any difference.
Thanks, Bill
Raw Files in PSE7What model Canon??See this FAQ:
http://www.johnrellis.com/psedbtool/photoshopelements-6-7-faq.htm#_Problems_open ing_raw
Raw Files in PSE7I went there and I saw a Camera Raw 5.4 but it didn't include my camera?A Canon EOS 50D.?However,as I was looking there previously, I saw one link that showed, if I read it correctly, that the 50D is supported in the prior version. and the new version includes only two newer Canon cameras.
I may well be doing something wrong.. but when I'm in the Edit mode, I click OPEN and browse to a RAW file.. The raw Canon files I have are are xxx.CR2
Does that help
BTW, thank you for trying to help me..
Bill, Healdsburg, CA
''..I saw one link that showed, if I read it correctly, that the 50D is supported in the prior version. and the new version includes only two newer Canon cameras...''
The new version adds two new Canon cameras. This new version of ACR includes all previous cameras supported by earlier versions of ACR. You should have the latest version of ACR that your version of Photoshop/Photoshop Elements supports; I use ACR 5.4 in my Photoshop Elements 7 even though I can open my 450D RAW .CR2?files in ACR 4.6, which I need to do if I open my 450D .CR2 files in Elements 5. That only supports ACR 4.6.
''..I have are are xxx.CR2..''
The extension .CR2 just indicates that the file is a Canon RAW file not a specific Canon camera. Every Canon that supports RAW exports a .CR2 file e.g my 450D and your 50D both have the same file extension but the underlying files are different.
Thanks for the help.. it worked!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, on to learning PSE 7.. I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions.
Pleased to have helped.
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