Sunday, March 28, 2010

URLLoader does not work

I am following the URLLoader example

I'm compiling with -mxmlc -use-network=false

Both main.swf and the file I'm trying to download (test.txt) reside in the same directory

I get the open even then the HTTPStatus event (status == 0) then nothing happens

I verified that the file is found: I changed the file name to xtest.txt and promptly got an ioError event.

I tried to compile without -use-network=false and the load failed with an error #2148 as expected

I changed the url to http://test.txt, compiled with -use-naetwork=flase and the load failed with error #2028 as expected

I added a timer to make sure the flash is running, and it does

In short I think it simply is broked!

Compiled using flex sdk ''Version 3.3.0 build 4852''

The player's about sends me to ,?which reports ''You have version 10,0,32,18 installed''

The URLLoader is suported since player v9

Browser is firefox, and I am running it on Linux

Here's the code:

?import flash.display.Sprite;
?import flash.text.TextField;
?import flash.utils.setInterval;
?import flash.utils.ByteArray;

?public class Main extends Sprite
?private var downloadUrl:String;
?private var downloadRequest:URLRequest;
?private var downloadLoader:URLLoader;
?private var downloadBytes:ByteArray;
?private var downloadStarted:Boolean = false;
?private var downloadDone:Boolean = false;

?private var statusLine:TextField;
?private var statusText:String = '''';
?private var timerStep:Number = 100;
?private var elapsedTime:Number = 0;

?public function Main()
?statusLine = new TextField();
?statusLine.width = 400;
?statusLine.height = 400;
?statusLine.multiline = true;
?statusLine.wordWrap = true;
?statusLine.text = ''Starting'';

?// NOTE: Adobe livedocs for setInterval says:
?// ''Instead of using the setInterval() method, consider creating
?//?a Timer object, with the specified interval, ...''
?// except it does not work! stick with setInterval() for now
?elapsedTime = 0;


?private function showStatus():void
?var txt:String = '''';

?elapsedTime += timerStep;

?if (downloadDone)
?txt += ''Download done '';
?if (downloadStarted)
?txt += ''Downloading '';

?txt += statusText + ''\n'';

?txt += '' %26gt; '' + Math.round(elapsedTime/100)/10 + '' %26lt; '';

?statusLine.text = txt;

?public function download(url:String):void
?downloadStarted = false;
?downloadDone = false;
?downloadUrl = url;
?downloadRequest = new URLRequest(downloadUrl);
?downloadLoader = new URLLoader();
?try {
?downloadLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
?} catch (error:Error) {
?statusText = ''download failed: '' + error.message;

?private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void
?dispatcher.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,downloadSecurityE rrorHandler);
?dispatcher.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS,downloadHttpStatusHandl er);

?private function downloadStartedHandler(event:Event):void
?downloadStarted = true;
?statusText += ''Started '' + event;

?private function downloadCompletedHandler():void
?downloadDone = true;
?statusText += ''Completed '';

?private function downloadSecurityErrorHandler(event:Event):void
?statusText += ''SecurityError ('' + event + '')'';
?private function downloadHttpStatusHandler(event:Event):void
?statusText += ''HttpStatus('' + event + '')'';
?private function downloadIOErrorHandler(event:Event):void
?statusText += ''IOError ('' + event + '')'';

URLLoader does not work

notice that the url in the posted sampe says http://test.txt but as i explained above i tried ''test.txt'' file://test.txt'' before trying this last one.

URLLoader does not work

silly mistake... notice how all callback functions take an argument ''event''Event'' ... all that is _except_ the downloadCompleted handler

i changed

private function downloadCompletedHandler():void


private function downloadCompletedHandler(event:Event):void

and this code started to work

unfortunatly, the compiler does not catch this sort of error.

This question has been answered

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