Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to add extra components to your...


I want to add a third party component to my project.Where should I place the component folder in order to use it in my app.

Thanks in advance.



How to add extra components to your...


?You can place the Components any where in your flex-src or src folder suppose if your folder name is folder and component name is Component1

?If you want to user this Component1 in main Application then inside the mx:Application tag you should write like this xmlns:folder=''folder.*'' then from your application you can use Component in this way %26lt;folder:Component1 ........................ /%26gt;

How to add extra components to your...


Thanx for the help. I have added it to the src folder. Now, how do I include the component in my code. (I am really new to flex).



Hi Pooja,

Go through this Links it might be helpful



How the Custom components are Made are they Made using MXML or Using ActionScript?????

Getting this error:

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AdvancedAutoComplete.

If you have a SWC, you can add it to the library path of the project.?In Flex Builder, bring up the project properties.?Select Flex Build Path and click library path.?You can add the swc, a folder of swcs or another project.

Alternatively, you can put the SWC in the libs folder of the project, and Flex Builder will automatically add it to the library path for you.

Now the classes in that swc or other project should be available to your project.

You can import them and use them just you would other Flex Classes.

In MXML, it would bsomething like this:

%26lt;mx:Application xmlns:mx=''http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml'' xmlns:ns1=''com.myclass.*''%26gt;

?%26lt;ns1:MyCustomClass /%26gt;


It sounds to me, based on that error, that you have not properly added the SWC to the project.

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