I am using Photoshop CS4 and I would like to write a script so that when Photoshop starts (after clicking open in ACR) the documents colors are converted to the working space, the photo opens and levels open so that I don't have to always click a choice in the Embedded Profile Mismatch dialogue box and then always open levels first. It this makes no sense please let me know. Thanks for the help
Newbie to scripting--need helpIf I understand what you are asking wouldn't be better to either set the colorspace in ACR to match your default or edit your color setting in Photoshop to convert and don't ask?
Also set up a script that will either create a curve adjustment layer or open the curve dialog, but it will do so with every image you open even those not opened through ACR. Are you sure you want to do that?
Newbie to scripting--need helpI have a script that runs whenever I open an image. It's checks to see if the image is a .jpg file. If it is and it does not have a color profile set, I assign it to sRGB.
Unfortunately, as Mike pointed out, this may not be the best solution for you. You would probably be better off having an 'Open RAW' script that let's the user select and open a file via RAW, converts the profile, then opens Levels (or adds a Levels Adjustment layer).
Thanks, I changed the color space setting and I am pursuing X's suggestion of an ''open RAW'' script
Thanks, I like your idea of an ''Open RAW'' script.
Here is an open event script that checks for opened as camera raw and creates a new curve adjuxtment layer if it was.
// open as cameraRaw event handler
// checks to see if the document was opened as cameraRaw
// and if so makes a curve adjustment layer
function _makeCurveAdjustmentLayer(){//works with any mode
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putClass( charIDToTypeID( ''AdjL'' ) );
desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( ''null'' ), ref );
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc1.putClass( charIDToTypeID( ''Type'' ), charIDToTypeID(''Crvs'' ) );
desc.putObject( charIDToTypeID( ''Usng'' ), charIDToTypeID( ''AdjL'' ), desc1 );
executeAction( charIDToTypeID( ''Mk?'' ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
try {
?if (arguments.length %26gt;= 2) {
?var desc = arguments[0];
if( desc.hasKey( charIDToTypeID( ''As?'' ))){
if( typeIDToStringID( desc.getObjectType(charIDToTypeID( ''As?'' ))) == 'Adobe Camera Raw' ){
} catch (e) {
?alert( ''Error: '' + e + '':'' + e.line );
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