this is in CS3 with a 1.5 hour project, motion menus and animated buttons.
I can't link using the arrow in the properties panel. The pickwhip will work, but this means that I can't use features for example ''return to last menu'' or, the killer, ''resume''. every time i click the arrow (and even if i release the lmb over another option) encore crashes to desktop.
also I note that I'm randomly losing transcodes, I presume due to the fact that I'm CTD'ing so much. A hard restart has failed to alleviate any of these problems.
Suggestions, anyone?
PS - Also, does anyone know of a more stable application for building DVDs? the more projects I use Encore for, the more obvious it becomes that it is simply not ready for production work. I've lost count of the amount of times it's crashed, generally after editing an AE or PS asset and dynamic linking back to encore, or simply when trying to preview a project. I should also point out that these crashes occur regardless of the complexity of the project - the software is simply buggy.
CRASH - linking from the properties...bump
CRASH - linking from the properties...Now, I do not have CS3, but En 2.0, so this does not address your problem, but over the years, many hundreds of Projects and nearly 2000 DVD's burned, I have had zero crashes and only one error message. I do not recall many commenting on instability with CS3, though there do seem to be more with CS4.
With crashes, the troubleshooting almost always breaks out this way, and in this order:
1.) System
2.) Assets
3.) Project
This is slightly different in En, than in PrPro. There, the Project is usually at #2 and the Assets #3, though not always.
If you can give the full details of your system, the more the better, your Assets and your Project, there might be something in there that will point to the problems. Again, the more detail, the better.
Also, when one has program, or system crashes, there are often clues scattered around. This ARTICLE might help you find a few of those clues.
Good luck, and I hope that someone can see the problem quickly for you,
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